Shea in Movies

Shea Stadium in Movies: “Godzilla: The Series”

In this installment, Shea Stadium goes cartoon in “Godzilla: The Series,” an animated series that aired on Fox in the late 1990s. In the episode “What Dreams May Come,” a monster called Crackler ran amok in New York City, destroying everything in its way, including our beloved Shea Stadium.

Well, something that resembles Shea — you’ll notice the big scoreboard is in left field instead of right, and the stadium is only three levels instead of four. But still, it’s Shea:


Like so many pitchers, Crackler is distracted by a plane heading into LaGuardia:


All hell breaks loose when Godzilla (who is suddenly a good guy?) arrives and does battle with Crackler:


They should have hired these guys to demolish the stadium instead of construction crews:


See previous entries in this series here.

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