Ike Davis Denies “Staying Out Late” Allegations
Ike Davis is denying a report that he stays out too late and is resistant to suggestions from coaches.

In a report on Tuesday in which a “baseball source” claimed the Mets would consider trading Davis in the off season, Adam Rubin of ESPNNewYork.com wrote:
The Mets are disappointed with Davis’ unwillingness to make changes based on coaching advice. Although he is personable and by no means a troublemaker, they also worry — fairly or unfairly — he is out too late after games, and that could influence other young players.
Davis told the website that is a load of nonsense.
“I don’t really have an answer for that because it’s never been an issue,” Davis said. “I’ve never done anything wrong. I show up to the field ready to play every day. I really don’t even know where it’s coming from, and it’s not really true. It is what it is. People can say whatever they want. It’s not going to bother us.
“I’ve never had a meeting. Nothing It’s just out of the blue. It’s hard to answer questions when no one can say who it was or why they even said it. I don’t know if it’s a cheap shot. It’s falsely accused, I guess. It comes out of nowhere. It happens to athletes like this — a rumor or something is said and it’s blown out of proportion.”
Terry Collins confirms no one ever raised such an issue with Davis.
“There’s not a coach in that office, there’s not the manager, the front office that has ever brought up a problem with Ike Davis,’ Collins said.
As far as resisting coaching, Davis said that’s just not true.
“If you’ve seen my stances this year, we’ve tried a lot of things. I don’t know about the ‘uncoachable’ thing. I don’t know who would ever say that. I’ve done everything the coaches have asked me. It’s really just a bunch of unknown statements. I talked to the coaches, and none of them said they said it. You can talk to teammates, coaches and everybody says the opposite. I don’t know what to tell you, because it doesn’t really make sense.”
If you remember he media did the same thing to Seaver and claiming statements Tom’s wife allegedly made about the Mets/teammates and NYC….it’s all bullcrap