Mets Fan Oscar Madison/Jack Klugman Dies
Jack Klugman, who prominently wore a Mets hat while portraying Oscar Madison in “The Odd Couple,” died Monday. He was 90 years old.
“The Odd Couple” is still my all-time favorite television show; when I was a kid they played it constantly on WPIX, at one point airing it four times a day. I was always happy that sportswriter Oscar was a Mets fan.
Here is Jack Klugman as Oscar Madison, proudly wearing his Mets hat:
He wore the Yankee hat more often. Why wouldn’t he? Holy crap…. the Mets are irrelevant. They’ve been irrelevant since 2000.
Wrong..he only wore a Yankee cap during the first season. The last 4 seasons was a Met cap