Sandy Alderson Takes Softball Twitter Questions
Sandy Alderson appeared live on Thursday afternoon to answer Twitter questions from fans. The session, in which host Jeremy Brisiel did not select any of the hardball questions submitted, lasted a little less than a half an hour. Here are the only newsworthy things he said:
— The Mets are “still in the mix” for Michael Bourn, although he could not predict how it would turn out. Most of the questions on Twitter were about Bourn, yet only about a minute was spent on the subject.
— The chances of the Mets signing Brian Wilson or Jose Valverde for the bullpen are “unlikely.”
— It is “feasible” that Zack Wheeler will pitch in the big leagues sometime this season.
And that’s basically it. A lot of time was spent on such frivolous topics as whether Sandy Alderson would resume using his Twitter account, his time lecturing at Berkeley, and his dog, Buddy. Seriously, I think the dog conversation was the most lengthy.
Precious little time was spent discussing the state of the outfield, which should have been topic number one. I guess Alderson is just tired of hearing and talking about it. The names of David Wright and Jonathon Niese came up, but only the obvious things were said.
While the session did not really break any new ground, Sandy Alderson deserves credit for doing it in the first place. If there is a next time, I just wish Alderson would discuss more important topics to Mets fans instead of his dog.