Left Side Not Right?
David Wright and Jose Reyes have been the faces of the New York Mets for the past half-decade. The left side of their infield is one of the Mets’ strengths, withthe teams fortunes hinging on its success, both offensively and defensively. But the left side just doesn’t seem right lately, defensively anyway.
Have you noticed Wright is throwing everything sidearm? He used to come over the top on his throws to first, unless he had a lot of time, then he would drop down. And that’s when Wright would have problems. His sidearm throws would often tail away from the first baseman. He was always much better coming over the top.
But lately everything is sidearm, which makes me wonder — is there an arm issue to worry about? Throwing sidearm is what players do when they are having arm or shoulder issues. I have no idea if that is the case. Wright certainly hasn’t said anything. I just wonder.
Now to Reyes, who doesn’t seem himself in the infield these days. He is dropping ground balls, and other plays he always makes are skipping by him. That ground ball in the first inning of Wednesday’s game is just the latest example. I don’t think there is a physical issue. Perhaps he is losing concentration. I have no idea, but I think it’s worth sitting both Wright and Reyes down and asking if there is anything wrong.
Speaking of physical issues, the Mets said on Wednesday that Jason Bay may wind up on the disabled list with the “mild concussion” he suffered when he slammed into the wall while making that sensational catch in Los Angeles last Friday.
He actually played Saturday and Sunday before the headaches started Sunday night. Let’s hope the Mets truly learned their lesson from the Ryan Church fiasco and don’t rush him back. Perhaps the blow to the head is what Bay needs to straighten out his season!
Nice comeback from 6 runs down Wednesday night, but the Mets need actual victories, not moral victories. What in the world was Jerry Manuel thinking by pitching to Albert Pujols with runners on first and third in the 13th? You have Pedro Feliciano, who should never pitch to right handed hitters, up against one of the greatest right handed hitter in baseball history. There were no righties in the bullpen, but rather than walking Pujols and taking his chances with Matt Holliday, Manuel had Feliciano pitch to Pujols. And of course he came through with the game winning hit. They always say, “don’t let their best hitter beat you.” And that’s just what Manuel allowed to happen. Another reason why Manuel’s got to go.