Mets Articles

Mets Shouldn’t Wait to Trade Jonathon Niese

A report in the New York Post claims the Mets are now reluctant to trade Jonathon Niese. I think if any decent deal presents itself, the Mets should pull the trigger immediately.

jonathon niese
Mets should not hesitate to trade Jonathon Niese.

The story says the combination of  Niese pitching very well of late and Steven Matz’s injury has left the Mets hesitant to trade him during a pennant race. It is not ridiculous thinking, but the Mets are in dire need of a bat, and even without Niese, the pitching staff will be good enough.

It may be time to sell high on Niese before he inevitably falters or his shaky shoulder begins to act up again. Waiting could be disastrous, especially with Niese making $9,050,000 next season as a completely unnecessary starter. They will need that money to improve the lineup. If they can’t clear that salary (like the Mets could not clear Bartolo Colon’s this year), the everyday lineup will be that much weaker. Do we need a repeat of the 2015 offense next year?

Some may say Sandy Alderson should not be thinking about next year right now. But that’s all he’s ever done. In this case, though, he has a chance to improve next year’s product in addition to an immediate upgrade now.

Trading Jonathon Niese now might be a bit risky, which is why the risk-averse Alderson probably won’t do it. But if there was ever a time for a bold move, it is now, with the Mets in contention but with a huge stumble imminent — if it isn’t already happening right now.

One thought on “Mets Shouldn’t Wait to Trade Jonathon Niese

  • Met Fan 4 Ever

    Agreed. Much as I like Niese and think he has earned respect, I also recognize his tendency for getting injured.

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