Sandy Alderson: Fewer than 4 Starts for Matt Harvey
The Mets seem to have some sort of plan for Matt Harvey for the rest of the season and beyond, but it is nothing firm or one that Sandy Alderson wants to tell everyone. One thing is sure — we won’t be seeing much of Harvey for the remainder of the season.

“At this point, I don’t expect him to make four starts in the regular season,” Alderson said Monday.
So that means he will make three or fewer. Here’s how it will likely shake out: Harvey starts Tuesday in Washington. Then he is skipped and makes one more start, probably against the Yankees. Which brings us to the final series of the season, against the Nationals.
“We have talked about him pitching the last game — or one of the last games — of the season against Washington if that game is meaningful,”Alderson said.
As far as the playoffs?
“How he’s used in the postseason is really going to be a function of how he’s gotten through six months of the regular season,” Alderson said. “I can’t sit here and say he’s going to be available through the entire playoffs, because we don’t know how he will feel and what all of the considerations are at that time. That’s the position we’ve always had. When we get there, we’ll figure it out.”
So issue settled? Probably not. Stay tuned for more Mets drama as the month progresses.
M. Harvey ! I don’t like 6 man rotation I need too pitch every 5 days , last year in mean less games recovery ing tj let me pitch I’m ok arm is fine M. HARVEY please take a example from wilmer, flores and Zack wheeler who called Sandy Alderson too as so not too be traded he wanted too stay a met ? M.HARVEY DO you want to be a met, then stand up to borass tell him your pitching . Other wise don’t throw the bs right now too cover your butt too the met fans. SANDY ALDERSON TRADE THIS PHONY IN OFF S SEASON He is going to leave mets when his free agency comes up new 2019 or 2020 and sign a big bat.