Mets Articles

Mets Need Change; Pelfrey & Pagan Good Place to Start

If there’s one thing all Mets fans can agree upon is that the team needs a change. Most fans would say that the change should not include allowing Jose Reyes to leave and trading David Wright. How would that make the team better? So what’s the best place to start? — cutting ties with Mike Pelfrey and Angel Pagan.

Unless it is just posturing to perhaps make them attractive in a trade, it appears Sandy Alderson intends on tendering both of them contracts.  I cannot understand why, as I’ve been writing about Pelfrey and Pagan since July.


Alderson is counting on growth from Jonathon Niese and Dillon Gee to help strengthen the rotation, which makes sense because they are both young and still learning how to pitch in the majors. But Pelfrey is done growing. What you see is what you get with Pelfrey, and what we’ve seen is not worth $6 million, which Pelfrey will likely get in arbitration. Just let him go — any minor leaguer or retread free agent will be able to offer the same things that Pelfrey will deliver at a fraction of the cost. If the Mets are not going to go out and get a much needed number two starter, better to put Pelfrey’s money into other parts of the team.

Like center field, where Pagan has proven to be mediocre at best. He will likely command $4 million in 2012, and like Pelfrey, he is just not worth it. If they really want to save money, stick Jason Pridie out there — he’s just as good as Pagan. But if the Mets want to be competitive, they will go out and find a proven guy. Grady Sizemore would be a huge upgrade at the right price, but it appears he wants upwards of $9 million — too much for a player coming off an injury. Rick Ankiel stopped hitting since they took his HGH away, but at least he can field and will come cheaply. Either way, Pagan should not be in a Mets uniform next season.

The Mets cannot have the same team in 2012 as they had in 2011. What kind of message does that send to fans, not to mention the rest of the league?

6 thoughts on “Mets Need Change; Pelfrey & Pagan Good Place to Start

  • Mark Berman

    Which is fine with me, Tom. Another useless player!

  • Excellent points! Do you know what the deadline is in regards to when they have to tender these guys? My hope being that Sandy is trying to work some sort of deal.

  • i wish the mets would get another starter too. there are so many out there to trade for, including just about anybody on oakland who’s got talented young pitchers and “location” problems apparently. or go after mark buehrle. also i’d like to see them with one more potent bat, i know we’re getting ike back and everything, but the mets’ leading rbi guy was wright with 61

  • Mark Berman

    The non-tender deadline is December 12.

  • Thanks for the info Mark. So I guess Sandy Alderson has till 12/12 to work a deal. With that in mind, hopefully he’s using some smoke and mirrors to get some return on Pelfry or Pagan.

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