Mets Articles

Mets Payroll Check

With a few weeks to go before pitchers and catchers report to Spring Training, let’s take a look at where the Mets payroll stands. In early December, I predicted that the payroll would be lower than 2012’s $94 million, possibly even lower than $90 million. It looks like I will be partially right.

The Mets payroll will be slightly above $90 million — they actually took on a little bit of salary in the R.A. Dickey deal, I wasn’t expecting the Shaun Marcum signing, and the Mets arbitration players (Davis, Murphy and Parnell) got more than I expected.

But the Mets payroll will still be lower than last season’s, assuming Sandy Alderson is done making acquisitions. And as much as he talks about getting new players, you know he will come up empty, just like his promises.

Anyway, here’s how we stand:

Johan Santana: $25,500,000 (actual)
Jonathon Niese: $3,050,000 (actual)
Dillon Gee: $750,000 (estimate)
Matt Harvey: $500,000 (estimate)
Shaun Marcum $4,000,000 (actual)

Frank Francisco: $6,500,000 (actual)
Bobby Parnell: $1,700,000 (actual)
Josh Edgin: $500,000 (estimate)
Robert Carson: $500,000 (estimate)
3 relievers: $1,500,000 (estimate)

John Buck: $6,500,000 (actual)
Backup catcher: $500,000 (estimate)

Ike Davis: $3,125,000 (actual)
Daniel Murphy: $3,000,000 (estimate)
Ruben Tejada: $750,000 (estimate)
David Wright: $11,000,000 (actual)
Jordany Valdespin: $500,000 (estimate)
Justin Turner: $750,000 (estimate)

Kirk Nieuwenhuis: $500,000 (estimate)
Lucas Duda: $750,000 (estimate)
Mike Baxter: $500,000 (estimate)
Collin Cowgill: $500,000 (estimate)
Backup outfielder: $500,000 (estimate)

Jason Bay: $18,125,000 (actual)

The actual money owed is $79,500,000 (thanks Cot’s Baseball Contracts). That includes Bay’s salary, but does not include his and Santana’s 2014 buyouts. Nor does it include the money deferred from the contracts of Bay, Santana and Wright. I’ve estimated $12 million for the rest of the team, bringing the grand total of the Mets payroll to $91,500,000.

This could change if the Mets sign Michael Bourn (which they won’t) or Alderson decides to bring in a couple of veteran relievers (which he won’t. Well, maybe one guy making around a million bucks).

It is absolutely disgraceful that the Mets payroll just keeps going down, especially since Alderson is constantly insisting that he will acquire new players and increase the payroll. Is it any wonder why they keep winning fewer games?

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