Mets Articles

Jonathon Niese Cleared to Throw

Good news for Jonathon Niese and the Mets — after an exam on Monday, doctors cleared him to begin returning from his shoulder injury.

Jonathon niese
Jonathon Niese cleared to begin return to Mets.

Niese was diagnosed with a partial tear of his rotator cuff last month. Rest was prescribed, and a follow-up MRI has shown that it has not gotten worse and that surgery will not be necessary.

“There’s some normal wear and tear in there that a pitcher would show, but nothing that (doctors) termed as any kind of a new injury,” Assistant GM John Ricco told “All pitchers have something in there. So I think that’s what they were seeing. But now on the clearer MRI he said he was really happy.”

It s still not clear when Jonathon Niese will return leagues big leagues. Just the fact that he apparently does not need season-ending surgery is incredible news. Given the Mets recent injury history, many of us felt surgery was an inevitability.

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