Mets Articles

Mets Should Help Fans on Retired Numbers

With word Tuesday that the Yankees plan to retire the numbers of Bernie Williams and Jorge Posada this year, along with the previously announced Andy Pettitte, the subject of the Mets failure to retire more than Tom Seaver’s 41 has reared its ugly head. The New York Post says the Mets should steal the Yankees thunder by retiring Mike Piazza’s 31. But really, is that why the Mets should make a move they should have done years ago?

retired numbersAlmost everyone agrees Piazza’s number should have been retired at some point since he left the game after the 2007 season. It appears the Mets are waiting for him to be inducted into the Hall of Fame, which will probably happen next year. But why wait? The Mets inducted Piazza into the team’s Hall of Fame two years ago — a perfect time to retire his number, too.

Perhaps the Mets are fearful the PED whispers will somehow become fact, and they would be embarrassed to have a steroid user’s number hanging in their stadium. But his plaque is already hanging in the Mets Museum. What’s the difference?

In addition to Piazza, Mets fans are clamoring for the likes of Jerry Koosman, Keith Hernandez, Gary Carter, Dwight Gooden and Darryl Strawberry to have their numbers retired. Let’s put those arguments away for another day. Because today it would just be nice if the Mets just offered us some guidance on their criteria for retiring numbers.

Every team seems to have its own policy regarding retiring numbers. For example, The Red Sox actually say that a player has to make the Hall of Fame and have played in Boston for at least 10 seasons. Without being said specifically, it is clear the Orioles, Phillies and Pirates have the same rule.

The Astros seem to induct anyone who was a fan favorite, while a team like the Padres retired Steve Garvey’s number solely for hitting “the most famous home run in Padres history” that took them to their first World Series in 1984.

Whether you agree or not, at least those teams have policies that fans can understand, so they know why certain players have their numbers retired or not. Not the Mets. If they have a rule at all, they are not telling us. Once again they leave fans twisting in the wind, trying to figure out the team’s motives. This should not really come as a surprise; after all, how forthcoming are the Mets about anything (cough, cough — Madoff will not affect the team’s operations)?

So please, Mets, either reveal your retired numbers policy, or come up with one and tell us. That’s not asking for too much, is it?

One thought on “Mets Should Help Fans on Retired Numbers

  • Matt Pistritto

    Just read your piece on retiring numbers and couldn’t agree more. If there is a hidden set of written or unwritten rules fill us in! Its an injustice and almost sn embarrassment that just Seaver has had his # retired as a player. I don’t want them to allow almost anyone. Whatever the critique is I agree it should be met. However that being said Pizza is a no brainer. Its almost an insult that we haven’t already as if like you said we are afraid of looking foolish should PEDS arise. If I’m Mike you’re either with me now when I need you or you’re not with me at all. IMO Koosman’s 36 should have long been retired, Hernandez. IMO there shouldn’t be an exact amount of yrs with club needed but commonsense should prevail. As much as I love The Kid I’m not sure that’s automatic due to time with team and productive time with team. Mex crosses over to me before Carter because of time served and all so being field Sgt and first big piece to come and start the 86 team. I am for very hard credentials to have uniform retired but some!!!! I know I’m in the minority but I don’t even think Straw or Doc deserve the honor. Franco is on the fence. Wright as soon as he retires. Thanks for,letting me share.

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