Mets Articles

Mets Shopping Ike Davis, Lucas Duda Again

A report on Tuesday says Sandy Alderson has resumed shopping Ike Davis, but even the Mets concede his chances of success are minimal. However, one team has shown interest in Lucas Duda.

Ike Davis & Lucas Duda have done a lot of watching this spring.

Davis and Duda have each played in only a couple of games this spring as they battle injuries, making it very difficult to deal them. However, a source tells Adam Rubin of ESPN New York that Alderson is approaching teams that had interest in Davis in the off-season, asking if they still might want to make a deal.

Meantime the report says at least one American League team may be interested in Lucas Duda.

I predict that one of them will be traded for one simple reason — money. Davis is due to make $3.5 million in 2014, while Duda is on the books for $1,637,500. Surely the penny-pinching Mets do not want to pay for both of them since one of them will be on the bench or in Las Vegas. Hence Alderson’s shopping trip.

If there is a trade at this late juncture and with the players ailing, the Mets will likely get virtually nothing in return. That’s why Alderson should have dealt either of them (or both of them!) when he had the chance earlier in the winter. Instead, Alderson apparently held out for top prospects, which neither Davis not Duda could bring in return.

Either way, do not be surprised if a trade of Ike Davis or Lucas Duda is announced over the next two weeks.

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