Shea in Movies

Shea Stadium in Movies: “Men in Black 3”

Likely blockbuster “Men in Black 3” opens at a theater near you on Friday, and there is obviously considerable interest in the movie, especially among Mets fans. It seems that Will Smith goes back in time to 1969 and at one point attends a World Series game.

Here is a still from the film, courtesy Mets Blog:


Of course Shea is gone (as is 1969), so Smith and his pals only attended the game digitally. But it got me thinking about all of the films in which Shea Stadium made a cameo. There are many, so in honor of the Mets former home, I have decided to begin a special ongoing feature in which I will highlight these movies, including screen shots.

These movies are time capsules, capturing a place that is so special to so many of us.

I think we all took Shea for granted while it stood in all of its shabby glory and now we miss it. So check back every now and then — hopefully these movies and the photos will help ease our aching memories.

See more entries in this series here.

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