Baseball Articles

My 2020 IBWAA Hall of Fame Ballot

As my loyal readers (reader?) know, I am a member of the Internet Baseball Writers Association of America (IBWAA). And every year, we have our own Hall of Fame balloting. It does not really amount to anything; we have no actual Hall of Fame. But we have been ahead of the curve in electing worthy candidates to our non-existent Hall. For example, we elected Mike Piazza and Jeff Bagwell while the BBWAA dragged their feet for years, bogged down in unsubstantiated PED rumors. We also elected Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens, which is why their names are not on our ballot this year. The BBWAA will eventually elect them (perhaps this year), so we can once again say, “We told you so.”

That was a very long introduction into revealing my ballot.

Of course, I voted for Derek Jeter. Anyone who doesn’t is a moron, plain and simple.

No other first timers were worthy, so the rest of my ballot consisted of Curt Schilling (even though he is a certified moron), Billy Wagner (who is not getting his due as one of the greatest relievers of all time for some reason), Gary Sheffield and Sammy Sosa (never tested positive and/or suspended for PEDs).

Just five names ticked off — my smallest ballot since I started voting. Gone are the days of clogged ballots where tough decisions had to be made to leave people off.

Jeter will obviously get in, and I think Schilling (64% last year) and Larry Walker (67% last time and in his final year on the ballot) will also be elected. Walker was an excellent player, but I think he falls short of Hall of Fame worthy. But hey, what do I know? Harold Baines is in, so the Hall is clearly changing, and not in a good way.

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